Digital dialogue platform
on social-ecological transformation
Science and Society in Dialogue
The digital dialog platform is open to everyone who wants to exchange ideas about sustainability concepts and social transformation. Get in touch with scientists from different disciplines and discuss current studies and scientific proposals.
Accelerating socio-ecological transformation together!
Come and share your perspective on current contributions of various research projects to shape the diverse challenges of a much-needed socio-ecological transformation and to enter into a digital dialog with our scientists and social actors.
The challenges of our time require shared perspectives and integrative solutions. Neither politics nor science or civil society alone can solve the complex problems of our time. A genuine dialog between all societal stakeholders is needed. Your opinions and questions on topics relating to socio-ecological transformation are also needed! The digital dialog platform DigiLog supports the exchange on the question of how socio-ecological transformation can succeed.
Obstacles and levers of successful transformation
Socio-ecological transformation usually describes far-reaching processes of social, economic, cultural and political change. Obstacles and levers of change can be identified and addressed. We want to give change a positive direction by talking to change makers!
Unser aktuelles Projekt: Ethik der globalen Landnutzung
Die Studie der Sachverständigengruppe Weltwirtschaft und Sozialethik identifiziert zentrale Herausforderungen und Hindernisse einer erfolgreichen Landnutzungswende und entwickelt ethische Leitlinien für den Umgang mit Interessenskonflikten und konkrete Reformvorschläge für eine globale Landnutzungswende.